Ryo Kobayashi, lead consultant, has extensive expertise in the energy and energy transition business development. Bentoak is unique as it can also provide the below apart from the skillset the lead consultant can provide.

Bentoak’s service is very flexible and will be client specific. As Energy Transition space is relatively new and existing approaches based on the past business practices which were taken by established consulting firms may not provide the best solution. Bentoak flexibly takes the clients’ need and provide solutions with unique holistic approach that is often required to tackle a large-scale challenges such as energy transition. The solution we provide is customized to fit client needs. The Company engages with clients on short term project basis to long term basis.

Ryo Kobayashi has worked in 3 different countries and lived in 5 countries, making him a true international personal with great understanding of different cultures. He especially specializes in Asian markets, assisting non Asian companies to venture into Asian market, or Asian entities to enter US market.

Lower Cost
Bentoak is able to provide competitive pricing compared to its peers. The company seeks to overperform in all aspects, to build trust and relationship with its clients.